Item W

Wisp essence: Wisp, Fire Fly, Grand Fire Fly, Enchanted Fawnicorn, Fawnicorn, Red Nose Fawnicorn, Katz Brother, Katz Sister

Wisp Lantern: Sparkling Mine, Deep Mine, adventures, Feed the Baron Kitchen craft, Flyger, White Flyger, Armored Flyger, Flyger Cub, White Flyger Cub, Direwolf, Direwolf Pup, Enfield Kit, Interpret the Wizard (mystic card), Plush Prince + Princess, Armored Wyvern, Wyvern Hatchling, Meadow Wolf, Armored Lion, Lion, Royal Lion, Ornery Goat,   Fire Fly Cove (Levle 7), Ring Bearer Goat, Birthday Goat, Vampire Bat, Pumpkin Goat, Gingerman, Gingerman Stack, Fi-Fi, Shadow Kitsunecorn, Armored Black Bear,  Paper Tiger, Salvatore, Royal Siren, Siren, Mantistorm Cub, Mantistorm, Truffle, Fangbeast Puppet, Puppet Theatre (Level 6), Maxotaur, Shadow Fangbeast, Shadow Skunkupine, Sweet Kitsunecorn, Spring Fangpup, Armored Widow, Widow Queen, Biggest Baddest Wolf, Piggy Cottage (Level 7), Bengal Tiger, Monarch Wyvern, Kitty Knight, Kit n Boots, Arctic Sled, Present Skunkupine, Rainbow Mantis, Princess Bed, Glimmergras Dragon, Light Tower (Level 6), Lady Buninja, Florizel, Baby Bears, Armored Lizard, Ana

Wood: trees, sawmill, Ruler's Carriage (Baron's Tent prize), Forest Stag, Forest Tree, Cherry Hive, Autumn Doe, Autumn Stag, Rooted Mine, Fawn, Spring Dragon, Cherry Blossom Tree, Icy Willow, Twisted Willow, Flower Stag (Baron's Game Tent), Crystalized tree, Objection Tree, Treeple, shattered tuftkin, scorched tuftkin, Phoenix, Faerie's Breath, Corgi, Mossy Oak, Mothraki Warrior, Woodland cannon, Woodland Sanctuary, Cherry blossom phoenix, Blossom tree, Blossom phoenix, Enchanted Faerie's Hive, Tuftkin Kit, Woodland bear, Meadow tree, Baby Fi-Fi, Royal Phoenix, Sleeper Gnome, Candy Tuftkin, Tamed Mantiwort, Flying Machine, Candy Cane Tuftkin, Amoratree, Mothmonster, Spark tree, Florizel, Songless Bird, Wooden Beehive, Leopard, Lemur
Uses: item in wooden beam, homemade sword, builder's hammer, fine parchment, builder's paste, meat cleaver, white flower bed, item in Shipwheel craft, Grand rooted lilium, Tree of the Wilds

Wool: Sheep, Stable, Sir Pigglesworth's Toy, Horse Shed level 2, Cozy Holiday Sheep (Baron's tent), Santa Sheep (Baron's tent), Glimmeregg Bunny, Ivy's Petting Zoo, Flower Power Sheep, Spitting Camel, Ostara the Satyr, Flower Sheep (Baron's Game Tent), Alpaca, Noble Stable, Black Alpaca, Tinsel Ram (Rune Market), Thankful Alpaca, Grateful Alpaca, Spring lamb, Turkey sheep, Gnome sheep, Plush castle, Plush Prince + Princess, Gold plush dragon, Plush king, Witchy alpaca, Armored Shadow Wolf, Candy Ram, Sorbet Ram, Rabbot, L10 Trade Post, Melvin, Greta, Firewolf, Icewolf, Cara, Miko, Alpaca-Corn