(White) Alicorn

Only the player playing a game from time of the early stage can make a Summon(White) Alicorn at the Love Shack.
New players can't build a Love Shack. It was obtainable only during the 2013 Valentine's Day Event.
(Summon AlicornはLove Shackという建物で作る事が出来るのですが、Love Shackは2013年のバレンタインデイ・イベントで出た特別なアイテムで以降出た事がなく現在は入手不可能です)

Love Shack
Summon Alicorn

----- Forum Info -----
Sacred Horns and Sacred Wings only drop from these adventures:
(Sacred HornとSacred Wingは以下の冒険でのみ手に入ります)

1. Search the Ancient Vault
2. Hunt Roaming Bandits
3. Explore Dark Caves
4. Traverse the Desert Sands
5. Dispel the Love Magic (this adventure available only if you have the Love Shack)
(Love Shackを持っている場合のみ可能な冒険)
